Friday, November 29, 2019

Fight Club Essay Example

Fight Club Paper The other people who were camping near us wanted to drink and party all night long, and I tried to get them to shut up one night, and they literally beat the crap out of me. I went back to work just so bashed, and horrible looking. People didnt ask me what had happened. I think they were afraid of the answer. I realised that if you looked bad enough, people would not want to know what you did in your spare time. They dont want to know the bad things about you. And the key was to look so bad that no one would ever, ever ask. And that was the idea behind Fight Club. (1) This realisation that humanity does not want to know about the dark side of life is central to the narrative of Fight Club. It focuses on how society has become numb; relying on physical possessions to define them (Id flip through catalogues and wonder what kind of dining set defined me as a person) rather than accepting yourself as being more than what you own, your career and how much money you have in your wallet, a notion which one of the central characters, Tyler Durden, reminds his followers of regularly. The film adaptation of Fight Club remains loyal to the ideas presented in the novel, with a few somewhat hidden visual clues to highlight the message within the story. We will write a custom essay sample on Fight Club specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Fight Club specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Fight Club specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Our Narrator is an insomniac, working for a big corporate car company evaluating accidents, and whether it would be cost effective to warrant a recall. To counter-attack these dehumanising factors he joins numerous therapy groups and soon finds himself addicted, that is, until another tourist names Marla joins the self-help group scene and he finds himself unable to open up, and his insomnia begins again. It is soon after meeting Marla that the Narrator meets Tyler Durden, an enigmatic soap manufacturer who embodies all the qualities he wishes he had self-fulfilment, perfect looks and who isnt a slave to his possessions. Together they form Fight Club, a way to feel something in an otherwise numb life which consists of the same thing day in and day out. When Marla overdoses on Xanax, she is saved by Tyler and the two embark upon a sexual relationship. Tyler tells the narrator that he must never talk about him with Marla. Under Tylers leadership, the fight club soon spirals into a nihilist terrorist organisation named Project Mayhem, which commits increasingly destructive acts of anti-capitalist vandalism in the city. After an argument, Tyler disappears from the narrators life, and following a member of Project Mayhem dying, the Narrator attempts to trace Tylers steps, discovering that clubs have been set up in all major cities. One of the participants identifies him as Tyler Durden, which a phone call to Marla confirms, and he realises that Tyler is an alter ego of his own split personality. Tyler appears before him and explains that he controls his body whenever he is asleep. The opening scene of the film shows the main character, an unnamed twenty-something male, being held at gunpoint. The succeeding description, accompanied by a visual tour through the corporate building which is about to be blown up, immediately engages the viewer, as not only does the visual style appear edgy, but intrigue about how he got himself in such a situation is aroused. One of the main gripes in Fight Club is the consumerist society, and at its heart is a dark parody about consumerist discontent. The film engages with this idea by regularly not showing faces and focussing on other aspects to identify them. The first instance this is shown is when the unnamed central character, unnamed because it could be any twenty-something male, is approached by his boss. He immediately focuses on his tie, identifying the day as Tuesday because his boss was wearing his cornflower blue tie. We then get a glimpse of how our main character has fallen victim to the Ikea trend, the camera pans around his apartment with the catalogue descriptions of each item he owns appearing next to it. The scene finishes with a comment about how we used to read pornography, now it was the Horchow collection which fully shows how consumerism has become the new form of self- gratification. Its only when his apartment is blown up that he begins his journey to total freedom, his entire i dentity was enclosed in that apartment, and now that it has gone he begins again Its only after weve lost everything that were free to do anything. Director, David Fincher, employs an impressive array of techniques to tell the story, combining traditional cinematic conventions (voice overs, breaking the fourth wall to address the audience directly) with arresting CGI sequences and subliminal blips. For example before we are formally introduced to Tyler, he flashes onto the screen at what may seem like random moments, but are in fact key to unravelling the mystery of a confused identity. Of course, we dont realise the genius behind this until after the film. The main thing to remember whilst watching this film is that nothing has been put in there by mistake; every minute detail serves its purpose. From this aspect Fight Club succeeds in every way, and it also succeeds as being one of the rare film adaptations which is better than the book. The opening credits of Fight Club shows how the film incorporated modern CGI sequences to its advantage; a special effects sequence which quite literally takes us into the Narrators brain, wh ich starts from a tiny glow deep within his brain-cells, through his mouth and up the barrel of the gun. The clean look of the CGI contrasts greatly with the general visual texture of the film. There are many negative images in the film (bags of human fat splitting open, broken teeth and crackling electrical cable in water) which all adds to the effect. The most discussed, and criticised, aspects of Fight Club is its violent content. Fight Club was one of the first openly violent films to be released after Columbine High School massacre in April of 1999, and for this reason it generated a lot of critical attention about its attitude and graphic depiction towards violence, with voices being raised claiming that the movie glorifies violence by portraying it as something positive. (2) No one can deny that Fight Club is a violent movie; there are in fact some scenes which are so brutal that some viewers will turn away. But there is purpose behind showing this bloody battering, and its to make a point about the bestial nature of man and what can happen when the numbing effects of day-to-day drudgery cause people to go a little crazy. As the film evolves, he methodically reveals each new turn in an ever-deepening spiral that descends into darkness and madness. The reason Fight Club is such a memorable film, lies in its ability to reach out to modern society, of a certain age at least, and engage and relate to them in someway. The characters acknowledge at more than one point that theyre in a film. The Narrator makes sarcastic voice-over remarks, and is constantly rewinding and fast-forwarding through his story. After the Narrator has giving us the whole story, we return to the comment this is about where we left off, and Tylers response, Oh. Flashback humour. Fight Club takes on everything that cinema can do but has been too afraid to. Maybe it is the fights that stand out the most. In an era of fake fight scenes, beefed up with special effects, the fight scenes in Fight Club have a somewhat narcotic effect; with their documentary feel its much more realistic. The lack of music only adds to the atmosphere, with the only memorable music being at the very end of the film appropriately named Where Is My Mind? Fight Club is a daring film, forcing you to thing outside the box with how a Hollywood film should look and feel. It also forces the audience to question their lives, in modern times most people can not help but be caught up in the consumerist rat-race.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Principal Components and Factor Analysis

Principal Components and Factor Analysis Principal components analysis (PCA) and factor analysis (FA) are statistical techniques used for data reduction or structure detection. These two methods are applied to a single set of variables when the researcher is interested in discovering which variables in the set form coherent subsets that are relatively independent of one another. Variables that are correlated with one another but are largely independent of other sets of variables are combined into factors. These factors allow you to condense the number of variables in your analysis by combining several variables into one factor. The specific goals of PCA or FA are to summarize patterns of correlations among observed variables, to reduce a large number of observed variables to a smaller number of factors, to provide a regression equation for an underlying process by using observed variables, or to test a theory about the nature of underlying processes. Example Say, for example, a researcher is interested in studying the characteristics of graduate students. The researcher surveys a large sample of graduate students on personality characteristics such as motivation, intellectual ability, scholastic history, family history, health, physical characteristics, etc. Each of these areas is measured with several variables. The variables are then entered into the analysis individually and correlations among them are studied. The analysis reveals patterns of correlation among the variables that are thought to reflect the underlying processes affecting the behaviors of the graduate students. For example, several variables from the intellectual ability measures combine with some variables from the scholastic history measures to form a factor measuring intelligence. Similarly, variables from the personality measures may combine with some variables from the motivation and scholastic history measures to form a factor measuring the degree to which a stude nt prefers to work independently – an independence factor. Steps of Principal Components Analysis and Factor Analysis Steps in principal components analysis and factor analysis include: Select and measure a set of variables.Prepare the correlation matrix to perform either PCA or FA.Extract a set of factors from the correlation matrix.Determine the number of factors.If necessary, rotate the factors to increase interpretability.Interpret the results.Verify the factor structure by establishing the construct validity of the factors. Difference Between Principal Components Analysis and Factor Analysis Principal Components Analysis and Factor Analysis are similar because both procedures are used to simplify the structure of a set of variables. However, the analyses differ in several important ways: In PCA, the components are calculated as linear combinations of the original variables. In FA, the original variables are defined as linear combinations of the factors.In PCA, the goal is to account for as much of the total variance in the variables as possible. The objective in FA is to explain the covariances or correlations among the variables.PCA is used to reduce the data into a smaller number of components. FA is used to understand what constructs underlie the data. Problems with Principal Components Analysis and Factor Analysis One problem with PCA and FA is that there is no criterion variable against which to test the solution. In other statistical techniques such as discriminant function analysis, logistic regression, profile analysis, and multivariate analysis of variance, the solution is judged by how well it predicts group membership. In PCA and FA, there is no external criterion such as group membership against which to test the solution. The second problem of PCA and FA is that, after extraction, there is an infinite number of rotations available, all accounting for the same amount of variance in the original data, but with the factor defined slightly different. The final choice is left to the researcher based on their assessment of its interpretability and scientific utility. Researchers often differ in opinion on which choice is the best. A third problem is that FA is frequently used to â€Å"save† poorly conceived research. If no other statistical procedure is appropriate or applicable, the data can at least be factor analyzed. This leaves many to believe that the various forms of FA are associated with sloppy research.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Will students benefit from studying abroad Essay

Will students benefit from studying abroad - Essay Example Intercultural development Students who get to study abroad stand the chance to develop on a massive scale in relation to intercultural development. Through their stay in foreign nations, students observe and understand the different cultures that people in the foreign country possess. This is concerning their total way of life in language, religion, morals, values and social relations (Dwyer and Peter 2). As such, these may be different from the cultural values from their parent country; thus studying abroad also the students to acquire new knowledge on how different people live, aside from the common knowledge that people live in different ways. This can be observed from a firsthand account as opposed to rote learning for the purpose of exams and common knowledge. The first hand experience adds to the knowledge of the students, on appreciation of other cultures and how to handle oneself, and watch his or her behavior and conduct in the foreign country and a new culture. In addition to intercultural development, students who go abroad to further their studies get an opportunity to share in the culture of new worlds and borrow aspects that may appear to appeal to the said students and inculcating them into their own cultures. This is a huge gain to the parent culture of the students and the students themselves, considering that they get a chance to choose the aspects they would like to see their culture adopt and implement. Through this, they become pioneers in their culture in creating reforms to improve their societies. In addition, to this, studying abroad allows students to share their own cultures with foreigner, a perfect opportunity to improve one’s skills in social relations. As such, they gain a higher sense of responsibility and possessiveness towards their own cultures as they get to share it. This is because they appear as experts in cultural issues from their mother nation, which builds self-esteem in the students a significant scale. In addi tion, studying abroad benefits students in that it acts as a revelation, where students get to see the world for what it is, rather than receiving guidance from others on how to perceive it (Crhanova 18). As a result, students become effective learners of the ways of the world concerning economic, political and social structures of both their host nation and their mother nation. Through this study-abroad experience, students gain by appreciating their own cultures and those of other s to the point that they can easily relate between the two cultures, or even more that they find between the countries in which they study. Appreciation of culture creates appropriate social relations between individuals as one comes to terms with the differences and similarities in the various systems found across the cultures. For example in the political culture of a nation, there are usually differences as different nations apply different systems of governance; thus students observe the two and adap t to the one belonging to the host country until they return to their respective nations. This allows students to build a culture of flexibility, where they can bend to fit into any society, meaning that intercultural development is a crucial development to the student studying abroad. Social relations created abroad are also observed to last for a long time, meaning that students who study abroad experience a wider clique of friends and acquaintances from a large social and cultural divide. Internships Students who go to further their studies in foreign nations, also known as abroad, have the opportunity to improve their careers through expanding the level of quality services and skills that they achieve in the foreign nations. As such, students

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Firearms forensic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Firearms forensic - Essay Example Evidence can come from diverse sources such as from genetic material or trace chemicals to dental history or fingerprints. Evidence can serve many functions in any investigation, such as to trace an illicit substance, to identify remains or to reconstruct a crime. NIJ funds research and development to improve how law enforcement gathers and uses evidence. It supports the enhancement and creation of tools and techniques to identify, collect, analyze, interpret and preserve evidence Following the partial police reports and crime scene sketches, I will adopt Crime scene forensic examination. This is because crime scene examination often document the crime scene. The investigators take photographs and physical measurements of the scene, identify and collect forensic evidence which in the sketches have been identified, and maintain the proper chain of custody of that evidence. Crime scene investigators collect evidence such as fingerprints, footprints, tire tracks, blood and other body fluids, hairs, fibers and fire debris. For instance form the sketches I Identified the victims and the positions of bod parts, the clothing, the jewelers, gold colored rings and pool of blood. Another reason as to why I will use crime scene forensic examination is because NIJ funds it to improve on blood identification and other  body fluids at the scene. The forensic team also has a responsibility of protecting crime scenes, preserving physical evidence and collecting and submitt ing the evidence for scientific examination. I think NIBIN would be useful in this case. This is because NIBIN Program applies the Integrated Ballistics Identification System to compare and contrast the images of ballistic evidence that are obtained from the crime scenes and the recovered firearms. NIBIN will assist because as new images will be being entered, the system will be searching the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Critically Acclaimed Supreme Court Cases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critically Acclaimed Supreme Court Cases - Essay Example One of the most critically acclaimed Supreme Court cases, that supported the rights of citizens against unwarranted searches, a right is given to citizens by the 14th Amendment. This issue initiated as a New Jersey student was found smoking in the bathroom. When caught, the student refrained from confessing and then her locker was unlawfully searched and arrested by the principle. Yet, the student’s 4th Amendment rights were exploited. The question remained, do students have the same 4th Amendment rights as other citizens? Does the school, a government institute has to follow the idea of â€Å"reasonable and probable cause†? The school administrators insisted that the students violated the school code and have extensive power to discipline the conduct of any student who breaches the code. The defense side of T.L.O argued that administrators cannot act as parents and our employees. Hence, they cannot breach the privacy and must respect students’ rights. In a heate d debate, the court favored the student by stating that schools must be obligated to follow the 4th amendment and are limited by the Constitution. Yet, the rights of young students are not the same as adults. The school can initiate searches but must have solid evidence to rationalize their cause. This is critical as many students are not susceptible to random locker checks as it would violate their rights. It protects the students of their privacy, but at the same time gives them some leeway to engage in illegal activity.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Purpose Of Compaction: Types Of Compaction

Purpose Of Compaction: Types Of Compaction Soil compaction is one of the most critical components in the construction of highway embankments, earth dams, foundations and many other engineering structure. Soil must be compacted to their unit weights, increase the strength characteristic which increase the bearing capacity of foundations constructed over them. Soil is compacted by removing air and water from its pore space. Compaction is a change in soil structure, not just an increase in soil density. Healthy soils have a diversity of pore sizes, while compacted soils have mostly small pores. In general, Soil compaction is defined as the method of mechanically increasing the density of soil. In construction, this is a significant part of the building process. Almost all types of building sites and construction projects utilize mechanical compaction techniques. During the compaction process soil partials are pushed closer together. This reduces the size of pores, the continuity of pores, and the size and stability of aggregates. Only under severe compaction will aggregates break down.This soil density chart shows properly compacted soil. Purpose of soil Compaction: The principal reason for compacting soil is to reduce subsequent settlement under working loads. Also in a construction material, the significant engineering properties of soil are its shear strength, its compressibility, and its permeability. Compaction of the soil generally increases its shear strength, decreases its compressibility, and decreases its permeability. in addition, compaction reduces the voids ratio making it more difficult for water to flow through soil. This is important if the soil is being used to retain water such as would be required for an earth dams. So we conclude that there are four reasons to compact the soil: Increase load-bearing capacity. Prevent soil settlement. Provides stability . Reduce water seepage, swilling and construction. Poor compaction can lead to unwanted results. Figure: result of poor compaction Types of compaction: There are four types of compaction that are commonly used on soil and/or asphalt: Vibration Impact Kneading Pressure Each of these types is carried out using one of two types of forces: static or vibratory. Static force relies on the weight of a machine to apply downward pressure on soil, thus compressing the soil particles. Adding weights to, or removing them from, the compaction machine can adjust the amount of pressure. Although effective, static compaction is best suited for the upper soil layers. The types of compaction that fall under static are kneading and pressure.Padfeet on a Caterpillar CP563 Vibratory force, on the other hand, uses mechanically driven force to apply downward pressure in addition to the weight of a machine. The mechanically driven force is an applied vibratory force that rotates the eccentric weight of a piston and spring combination. Compactors achieve compaction through the use of delivering rapid blows, or impacts, to the surface. This is effective in that it not only compacts the top layers, but the deeper layers as well. With vibration, the particles are set in motion and moved closer together to form a high density Compaction soil types: Different types of compaction are best suited for different soil types and conditions. This is because of the underlying density and moisture that different soil types are able to retain. Soil types are classified in three soil groups, with consideration to grain sizes. These types are: Cohesive Granular Cohesive and granular Cohesive In cohesive soils, such as clay, the particles contain characteristics that make them easily stick together so compaction can be achieved by high impact, which forces the air out of the particles, pushing them together. Granular Granular soils include sand, gravel, and other particles that typically range in size from 0.003 to 0.08 inches (0.008 to 0.2 cm). Because granular soils have good water-draining properties, they are able to obtain high density when fully dry or saturated. Granular is best compacted by shaking or vibrating the particles. Any type of vibratory equipment is best suited for this type. Depending on the type of granular soil, different degrees of vibration are required. Granular and Cohesive Often, soils are a mixture of both granular and cohesive, requiring more precise compaction equipment. Equipment should be chosen on the basis of the soil in the mix that is present in the highest percentage. Some materials, such as asphalt, require both vibration and static pressure to be compacted effectively. Machinery uses frequency and amplitude to apply a force for compaction. Frequency is the measure of the speed of the eccentric shaft rotation, or of the jumping of the machine, quantifiable by vibrations per minute (vpm). Amplitude measures the maximum movement of a vibrating body from its axis in one direction Field Tests: It is important to know and control the soil density during compaction. Following are common field tests to determine on the spot if compaction densities are being reached. Sand Cone Test (ASTM D1556-90): A small hole (6 x 6 deep) is dug in the compacted material to be tested. The soil is removed and weighed, then dried and weighed again to determine its moisture content. A soils moisture is figured as a percentage. The specific volume of the hole is determined by filling it with calibrated dry sand from a jar and cone device. The dry weight of the soil removed is divided by the volume of sand needed to fill the hole. This gives us the density of the compacted soil in lbs per cubic foot. This density is compared to the maximum Proctor density obtained earlier, which gives us the relative density of the soil that was just compacted. Nuclear Density (ASTM D2292-91): Nuclear Density meters are a quick and fairly accurate way of determining density and moisture content. The meter uses a radioactive isotope source (Cesium 137) at the soil surface (backscatter) or from a probe placed into the soil (direct transmission). The isotope source gives off photons (usually Gamma rays) which radiate back to the maters detectors on the bottom of the unit. Dense soil absorbs more radiation than loose soil and the readings reflect overall density. Water content (ASTM D3017) can also be read, all within a few minutes. A relative Proctor density with the compaction results from the test. How the Nuclear Density test works How the Sand Cone test works FACTORS AFFECTING COMPACTION IN THE FIELD: Compaction of a particular soil is affected by following given factors: MOISTURE CONTENT Proper control of moisture content in soil is necessary for achieving desired density. Maximum density with minimum compacting effort can be achieved by compaction of soil near its OMC (Optimum Moisture Content). If natural moisture content of the soil is less than OMC, calculated amount of water should be added to soil with sprinkler attached to water tanker and mixed with soil by motor grader for uniform moisture content. When soil is too wet, it is required to be dried by aeration to reach up to OMC. Moisture content of the soil is vital to proper compaction SOIL TYPE Type of soil has a great influence on its compaction characteristics. Normally, heavy clays, clays and silt offer higher resistance to compaction where as sandy soils and coarse grained or gravelly soils are amenable for easy compaction. The coarse-grained soils yield higher densities in comparison to clays. A well-graded soil can be compacted to higher density. LAYER THICKNESS The more the thickness of layer of earth subjected to field compaction, the less the energy input per unit weight of soil and hence, less is the compaction under each pass of the roller. Suitable thickness of soil of each layer is necessary to achieve uniform thickness. Layer thickness depends upon type of soil involved and type of roller, its weight and contact pressure of its drums. Normally, 200-300 mm layer thickness is optimum in the field for achieving homogeneous compaction. CONTACT PRESSURE Contact pressure depends on the weight of the roller wheel and the contact area. In case of pneumatic roller, the tyre inflation pressure also determines the contact pressure in addition to wheel load. A higher contact pressure increases the dry density and lowers the optimum moisture content SPEED OF ROLLING Speed of rolling has a very important bearing on the roller output. The greater the speed of rolling, the more the length of embankment that can be compacted in one day. Speed was found to be a significant factor for vibratory rollers because its number of vibrations per minute is not related to its forward speed. Therefore, the slower the speed of travel, the more vibrations at a given point and lesser number of pass required to attain a given density. TYPE OF COMPACTING EQUIPMENTS A large variety of mechanical equipments is available for compaction of soil but soil type and moisture condition will often dictate the type of equipments and method of use. Some important compacting equipment are given below: 1. Light compacting equipments (Rammers/Plate compactors) 2. Smooth wheel rollers 3. Sheepsfoot rollers 4. Pneumatic tyred rollers 5. Vibratory rollers 6. Grid rollers 2003 Dynapac CC122 Tandem Vibratory Smooth Drum Roller . Figure: Smooth wheel-Roller figure: Light compacting equipments (Rammers) Summary: Soil compaction is an important part of the construction process. It is used for support of structural entities such as building foundations, roadways, walkways, and earth retaining structures to name a few. In general, the preselected soil should have adequate strength, be relatively incompressible so that future settlement is not significant, be stable against volume change as water content or other factors vary, be durable and safe against deterioration, and possess prop Refrances: Das, Braja M. (2002). Principles of Geotechnical Engineering.fourth edition. P100 IS: 2720-1983 (Part-14)- Determination of density index (Relative Density) of cohesion New Used Heavy Equipment Engineering Properties of Soils Based on Laboratory Testing Prof. Krishna Reddy, UIC Das, Braja M. (2002). Principles of Geotechnical Engineering.fourth edition. P100

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Nathaniel Hawthornes Puritan influences Essay -- good vs evil

Nathaniel Hawthorne was born into a family that possessed prominent Puritan ancestors, and the shame he experienced as a result of their actions, as well as his odd fascination with them, had a significant impact on his life and his writings. Though it would be an overstatement to say that Hawthorne's knowledge of the Puritan way of life was his only source of inspiration, this knowledge was certainly influential as it is often reflected in the majority of his work. Born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804, Hawthorne was born in a town whose Puritan past is well-known as a result of the infamous Salem witch trials. Though he was born well after the time of the Puritans, growing up in a town so steeped in Puritan history is likely why his knowledge of Puritan life was so extensive (Means 1). The reason why Hawthorne was so interested in his Puritan ancestors of Salem was the fact that his great-great grandfather, John Hathorne, was a judge during the Salem witch trials. Also, his great-great-great grandfather was a member of the General Court of Massachusetts and Hawthorne did extensive research into the punishments that his great-great-great grandfather placed upon the sinners of Salem (Barna 2). Hawthorne was so repulsed by these connections that when he began publishing his work he changed his surname to Hawthorne in place of his original surname of Hathorne. While some may argue that Hawthorne was supportive of Puritan doctrine, because of the fact that he often discussed the folly of sin and was viewed as being fairly conservative for seeing sin as an inherent part of human nature, it is not true that he admired the ways of his Puritan ancestors. Hawthorne once stated that society should progress in a slower, calmer ma... ...ots, Fourth Edition (2010): 1-3. Literary Reference Center. Web. 20 July 2015. Barna, Mark Richard. "Nathaniel Hawthorne And The Unpardonable Sin."World & I 13.3 (1998): 324. MasterFILE Elite. Web. 8 July 2015. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. â€Å"The Minister's Black Veil.† Eldritch Press, n.d. Web. 20 July 2015. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. New York: Penguin, 2003. Print. Manheim, Daniel. â€Å"Pearl's Golden Chain in THE SCARLET LETTER.† Explicator 68.3 (2010): 177-180. Literary Reference Center. Web. 20 July 2015. Means, Richard. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.† Nathaniel Hawthorne (2006): 1-3. Literary Reference Center. Web. 20 July 2015. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.†, n.d. Web. 20 July 2015. Trepanier, Lee. â€Å"The Need for Renewal: Nathaniel Hawthorne's Conservatism.† Modern Age 45.4 (2003): 315-323. Wold History Collection. Web. 20 July 2015.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Comparing The Lottery and Hills Like White Elephants

â€Å"The Lottery† written by Shirley Jackson is a story based off of its point of view, the story would not be told or understood in the same way if it was written in a different point of view. This story keeps the interest of it's readers because it has a point of view where only the people in the story know whats going to happen and know more information than the readers do. If this story was written in first person the readers would know what the lottery was from the beginning of the story and that would make the story not have the surprise ending that confuses the audience. â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants† written by Ernest Hemingway is also written in third person point of view. This story is written in a different way then â€Å"The Lottery† is written because in â€Å"The Lottery† everyone knows whats going on besides the audience, and in â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants† only the two main characters know what is going on and what the main conversation contains. Another main difference in these two stories is that Jackson tricks her audience and Hemingway never even demonstrated the reason for the conflict in the story. Although both stories are related by using the same point of view they are completely different with the plot and the amount of information they with hold from their audience. Both authors use third person in their own ways and it makes different but related effects to the ending of the stories. One of the effects that are different in each story are the amount of people who know whats going on and what the conflict is. Also, the ending of each story, there is a main effect on the point of view factor. Hemingway does not resolve the conflict that the characters in the story know but the audience does not know. Jackson on the other hand reveals to his audience the conflict and the information he has been with holding from the beginning of the story. The point of view in the stories has a dramatic effect on how they are interpreted from the audience, and what information is known by the audience in any point of the story. If either of these stories were written in first person point of view the entire plot and conflict of the story would change and the audience would have a different outlook on the overall story. In â€Å"The Lottery†, if the audience would have known it was a negative lottery it would have changed the effect the ending had on the audience. However, â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†, would have more of an effect on the audience if it was written in first person point of view. This way the audience would be able to know the main conflict the couple is arguing about throughout the entire story, but the conclusion of the story would change the effect on the readers. Although both stories are wrote in the same point of view, each author interrupts their own personal effects to the stories in which they wrote. Jackson gives her audience clues and hints about the ending, such as the boys piling rocks in the corner of the room, that could be the first signs that the lottery was not what the audience expected it to be. Hemingway however does not take the same approach that Jackson did and did not give his readers clues in the actual text about the information that is being with held from them. The titles of these two stories differ as well, â€Å"The Lottery† is a basic title for the overall story plot, but â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants† is a more complicated title that does not give a general over view of the story. The title is supposed to indicate important information about the story, and Hemingway took the third person point of view in the actual text and keep the conflict from his audience but he gave his audience some information in the title. When he used this phrase as his title, he opened his reader's mind to interpret many different ideas and conclusions about this conflict in which they are with held from knowing. â€Å"The Lottery† and â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants† are both written in third person but Jackson and Hemingway took this point of view and put their own personal effects into it. Jackson includes clues through out the text that about the actual lottery. Hemingway interprets his clues to the audience through the title of the story. These two stories are similar in the point of view but they differ in how the authors applied what the audience should and should not know through clues in the text and title.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Lord of the Flies - Significance of Simon essays

Lord of the Flies - Significance of Simon essays The Signifiance Of Simon In Lord Of The Flies Human nature is the qualities and traits all humans are born with, regardless of whether or not they are good or evil. William Golding bases his novel Lord Of The Flies on this theory, using the significance of Simon to represent a Christ-like figure who demonstrates generosity, loyalty and clarity. Simons good character creates the contrast between the good and evil that humans are capable of. By observing the actions of Simon, they reveal his generous nature towards everyone on the island. When Jack refused to give Piggy any meat, Simon, sitting between the twins and Piggy, wiped his mouth and shoved his piece of meat over the rocks to Piggy, who grabbed it. The twins giggled and Simon lowered his face in shame (80). The other boys were too greedy to offer Piggy any of their meat so Simon willingly shared his. His actions resemble those of Christ, whom is purely good and holy. When men laughed at those who were outcasts in society and less fortunate, Christ offered them food and respected them. Simon too, offered his food to Piggy who was treated like an outcast. Simons actions reveal the goodness and generosity that is found in his human nature, contrasting to the greed and selfishness of the other boys. In addition, Simon is the only character who is consistently loyal and willing to help. Instead of helping build the huts, the boys got off-task and left Ralph alone with Simon. Ralph explained to Jack Theyre hopeless. The older ones arent much better. Dyou see? All day Ive been working with Simon. No one else. Theyre off bathing, or eating, or playing (55). Simon gave up his own free time to work on the huts and did not complain. Just like Christ who was loyal to his people, Simon was loyal to Ralph and the boys. His positive intentions of helping contributed to the island and were a contrast to the irresponsi ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Italian Reflexive Verbs - I Verbi Riflessivi

Italian Reflexive Verbs - I Verbi Riflessivi What is an Italian reflexive verb (verbo riflessivo)? This can often be a strange topic because, in English, verbs arent often thought of as being reflexive, however, in Italian, a reflexive verb is one when the action carried out by the subject is performed on the same subject. So for example, â€Å"I wash myself† or â€Å"I sit myself in the chair†. The subject, â€Å"I†, am doing the washing and the sitting. It’s important to know that not all verbs are reflexive, but there are plenty out there and each must be memorized. What Does a Reflexive Verb Look Like? In order to make an Italian verb reflexive, drop the -e of its infinitive ending and add the pronoun si. For example, pettinare (to comb) becomes pettinarsi (to comb oneself) in the reflexive. Si is an additional pronoun, known as the reflexive pronoun, which is needed when conjugating reflexive verbs. Note that some reflexive verbs can be used without the reflexive pronouns. In this case, their meaning changes: - Alzarsi to wake up/to get up Tu ti alzi. (You get up.) Tu alzi la sedia. (You lift the chair.) How Do You Conjugate Reflexive Verbs? Here are some tables of verbs in the present tense so you can get an idea of how reflexive verbs are conjugated. Innamorarsi - To fall in love Mi innamoro - I fall in love Ci innamoriamo - We fall in love Ti innamori - You fall in love Vi innamorate - You (all) fall in love Si innamora - He/she falls in love Si innamorano - They fall in love Sedersi - To sit oneself/To take a seat Mi siedo - I sit (myself) Ci sediamo - We sit (ourselves) Ti siedi - You sit (yourself) Vi sedete - You (all) sit (yourselves) Si siede - He/she sits (him/herself) Si siedono - They sit (themselves) Divertirsi - To enjoy oneself/to have fun Mi diverto - I have fun Ci divertiamo - We have fun Ti diverti - You have fun Vi divertite - You (all) have fun Si diverte - He/she has fun Si divertono - They have fun What About With the Past Tense? When you conjugate reflexive verbs in the past tense, you must use â€Å"essere† as your auxiliary verb. Here’s an example using the verb â€Å"svegliarsi - to wake up†. Svegliarsi - To wake up Mi sono svegliato/a - I woke up Ci siamo svegliati/e - We woke up Ti sei svegliato/a - You woke up Vi siete svegliati/e - You all woke up Si svegliato/a - He/she woke up Si sono svegliati/e - They woke up Notice how the last letter of â€Å"svegliato† changes. That’s because the ending must agree in gender and number with the subject. A List of Common Reflexive Verbs in Italian accorgersi (di) to notice addormentarsi to fall asleep to get up arrabbiarsi to get angry chiamarsi to be named to cover oneself divertirsi to have fun, to enjoy oneself farsi il bagno to bathe oneself farsi la doccia to take a shower farsi male to get hurt, hurt oneself innamorarsi (di) to fall in love with lavarsi to wash oneself laurearsi to graduate mettersi to put (clothing) on pettinarsi to comb ones hair radersi to shave sedersi to sit down sentirsi to feel to undress sposarsi (con) to get married svegliarsi to wake up vestirsi to get dressed Esempi Le ragazze si sono sedute. - The girls are sitting down.Sto cercando un posto dove sedermi un attimo. - I’m looking for a spot where I can sit for a while.Ci siamo innamorati due anni fa e ci siamo sposati un anno fa. - We fell in love two years and we got married one year ago.Mi sono svegliato/a alle 7. - I woke up at 7.Marco fa sempre molta fatica a svegliarsi la mattina. - Marco always has to struggle to wake up in the morning.Chiara impiega tantissimo tempo a vestirsi! - Chiara takes a very long time to get dressed!Tutti a lavarsi le mani prima di pranzo! - Everybody wash your hands before lunch!Mykonos à ¨ un posto ideale per divertirsi. - Mykonos is the perfect destination to have fun.Mio padre mi ha insegnato a radermi. - My dad taught me how to shave.Per avere una bella pella bisogna sempre struccarsi prima di andare a letto. - In order to maintain a good skin you always have to take your makeup off before going to bed.Mi sono laureata un anno fa. - I graduated one ye ar ago.Ho proprio bisogno di farmi un bagno! - I really need to take a hot bath! Copriti bene che fuori fa freddo! - Cover yourself up because it’s cold outside!Non ho capito come ha fatto a farsi male. - I didn’t understand how he managed to hurt himself.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The World's Best Managers and Leaders Are the Best Communicators Essay

The World's Best Managers and Leaders Are the Best Communicators - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that communication is a significant aspect of everyday life. Communication in organizations is extremely vital for success since it is the chief tool that organizations use to achieve coordination. Organisational communication is achieved by downward, upward and sideways (lateral) communication. Communication is a transaction, which is a two-way process of reaching a mutual understanding. Participants in the communication process exchange information (encoding and decoding), news, feelings, and ideas and share the meaning of that information. Communication is a chief function of management at all levels ranging from the top levels to the lowest management levels. There is so much power in communication. For instance, in the speech given by President John Kennedy in Berlin in 1963, Kennedy said: â€Å"Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is bin ein Berliner†. The speech was in a rejoinder to the Soviet threat during the cold war era. The words were what the people wanted to hear, and they were swept by a flow of pride and warmth. The speech moved the massive audience as it was made during a desperate context in history. In addition, this communication had an impact since it was given by a great orator, which is a spectacular example of how communication made President Kennedy a renowned leader. Leadership can also be exhibited through communication in less dramatic circumstance, particularly in organizations. ...Branson is a living proof that leadership and communication are two inseparable things. His success comes from his ability to gain trust and support of partners, bankers, customers and other stakeholders. He demonstrates a democratic leadership style that entails listening to other s and empowering them as well. Branson management does not follow recipes highlighted in text books in his leadership. Although he never graduated from university, Branson leadership leaves a lot to be desired. There is no preset recipe for management according to Branson. One of the management philosophies employed by Branson is communication. He believes that communication is a key tool for motivating workers. In his work schedule, the first thing in the morning is reading emails from various people, and responding top complaints. Richard also sends success stories that he has read to his employees as he believes it as a way of sharing success to others. He believes in commucation throughout all level s of an organisation. He interacts with his staff even in out of office situations. He believes that business should be viewed as fun, and fun entails listening to people. Branson is popularly known for his communication with his employees and customers, as well as his ability to mix with populace of all status. This sets apart from other business leaders. In addition, Branson has a special gift in public relations. He does not feel to make his voice known to the media, and he has always gets away with the media to attract attention and has an instinctive comprehension of what appeals to them. Moreover, he does not fear being interviewed by journalists, which is not common among business leaders. Branson communication skills may be

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Sick older people are deeply problematic for contemporary forms of Essay

Sick older people are deeply problematic for contemporary forms of health care organisation. Discuss. (Medical Sociology) - Essay Example wess and clan or family properly introduce an incipient stratification.† (Davis & Moore, 1945: p 242: quoted in Zaidi, 1999: p 29) Age-group is one of the most important factors of social stratification that divides human society into the categories of children, young, middle-aged and elderly. Among these categories the elderly or older people make up a noteworthy proportion of every society and maintain the same significance observed by the young and adult individuals. Researches view ageing as a universal phenomenon that exists in all cultures and societies of the globe. Though old age is assessed and estimated through divergent scales, yet the individuals crossing 60 years of age are stated as old people or senior citizens all over the globe. â€Å"Aging is†, Sijuwade observes, â€Å"judged by different criterion in different societies. The transition to old age is identified with several factors such as chronological age, ill health, retirement, physical/mental dete rioration, and death of spouse. Studies reveal that changes in social role (widowhood, grandparenthood, retirement) and physical health dominate the definition of age identity.† (2009: p 1) Special attention is paid to the cause of elderly in contemporary era and disciplines of gerontological sociology and cultural anthropology have been established, which concentrate upon the study of life, culture and activities of the old people. As ethnography is a branch of cultural anthropology, that discusses human cultural traits in a scientific way, the older people also come in the fold of the study of aged. Political authorities and social welfare organisations aim to strive for the sound health of the population at large. It is the therefore the concerns regarding the falling health and medical problems of the elderly are of great significance for them. Governmental departments introduce new policies and revise them time and again for the welfare of the elderly. These social reforms, related to the